We are delighted to announce our renewal as a “Recognised Supplier” by the Confederation of School Trusts (CST). This endorsement underscores our ongoing commitment to supporting the specific energy requirements of the ever-developing Multi-Academy Trust sector.

WME currently supports the energy procurement requirements of over 2,000 schools and academies and over 150 multi academy trusts of varying sizes, across the UK via our “DfE approved” energy frameworks.

Our continued partnership with the CST not only highlights our expertise in this sector but also reinforces our commitment to the provision of compliant, risk managed energy procurement to Academy Trusts. Our unique managed service supports the management of large multi-site energy portfolios in the most efficient way, enabling Trusts to allocate more resources towards direct educational outcomes.

Gavin Owen, Head of Business Development at WME, commented on the renewal of the partnership: "We are thrilled to continue our association with the Confederation of School Trusts for another year. Many of our MAT customers are CST Members and this ongoing recognition as a trusted supplier reflects our ongoing commitment to supporting the sector navigate the complex world of energy procurement in a cost effective, transparent and professional way”.

WME will be exhibiting at the CST Annual Conference on 7th & 8th November – You can register for the event via the CST website - CST Annual Conference 2024 – Bringing together England’s school trust leaders (cst-conferences.org.uk)

For more information on how WME can support your Multi Academy Trust’s energy requirements, please contact our customer service team to arrange an informal introductory meeting.



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