Liquid Fuels Services Framework


01/04/2024 - 31/03/2024



This framework is used to facilitate the supply of liquid petroleum gas

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0333 101 4424

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Please use the calculator to provide you with an indication of our current rates, dependant on your annual consumption.

Things to know:

  • If you are an existing user of LPG we can switch you to Calor Gas Limited, subject to any existing contractual arrangements that you may already have, and subject to Calor being able to replace your existing tank with their own, and provide any information you require to facilitate your switch.
  • If you are a potential new user of LPG we can provide you with the information you require to determine your move, including site visits and recommended solutions.
  • If you are already a customer of Calor it may be beneficial to switch to our contract, again subject to any existing contractual arrangements that you may have in place.
  • There are also rental charges per tank of approximately £90 p.a. (depending on the size of tank required) which will be discussed directly with Calor Gas Limited.

LPG Quote Calculator
