Organisations we've helped...

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS
Cheshire Constabulary
Shropshire Fire & Rescue
West Mercia Police
Wye Valley NHS Trust

Optimal services for Bluelight & NHS

Flexible energy procurement

Flexible Energy Procurement

    • We hedge risk, buying energy strategically for long-term risk management
    • Range of energy procurement strategies to match your risk appetite
    • Annual budget certainty provided via innovative capped price
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Fixed energy procurement

Fixed Energy Procurement

    • Price protection against potential rising market prices
    • Budget certainty as you lock your price for a set period
    • Competitive tender exercise between 7 suppliers
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Fully Managed Services

    • Dedicated team, experienced in managing large, multi-site energy portfolios
    • Unique bill validation and payment management service
    • Dedicated siteworks to support metering and supply work
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Electricity procurement

Procurement Only Service

    • Comprehensive supplier management and monitoring
    • Flexible procurement strategies to match your requirements
    • Detailed and expert budget support ahead of each financial year
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We have a framework dedicated to supporting your net-zero ambitions

We are committed to supporting our customers to reduce their energy consumption and carbon emissions. As part of our “Use Cleaner, Use Less” campaign, we have a PCR compliant framework giving access to a specialist decarbonisation consultancy.
