Organisations we've helped...

Excalibur Academies Trust
Cheshire West
West Mercia Police
Birmingham City Council
Diocese of Hereford

What are the benefits of flexible energy procurement?

Hugely reduced risk

Our risk managed trading strategy has been designed with our risk-adverse public sector customers at the forefront. Long term risk management and securing consistently competitive prices are the priorities of our strategies.

  • Our team actively monitors the market to capture lower prices when they emerge
  • Spread purchases throughout the year, avoiding the risks of a single fixed-price contract
  • Able to take early action to reduce exposure to higher energy prices in future years

Retain budget certainty

Our fully flexible energy procurement strategies help capture the benefits of market falls, whilst providing cost protection in rising markets.  We deliver this, while also providing annual budget certainty.

  • Innovative capped price provides annual budget certainty
  • Budget forecasts provided within the year based on traded positions 
  • Full transparency and reporting on trading performance is provided

Your ideal strategies

Our expert trading team have developed two fully flexible energy procurement strategies specifically for the public sector. We work with you to understand your energy requirements and priorities and will advise on each approach accordingly.

    • Leave buying decisions to WME’s expert trading team who constantly monitor key market drivers
    • Strategies can be tailored within their delivery in line with prevailing market conditions
    • You are added to our flexible trading baskets, providing economies of scale