Use Cleaner Use Cleaner

    • Provision of 100% renewable gas and electricity
    • Supporting self-generation projects
    • Sleeving energy into our contract
    • Setup of PPA arrangements
    • Energy Storage solutions E.g. Batteries
    • Demand Side Response
    • EV Charging

Use Less Use Less

    • Educating and embedding behaviour change
    • Provision and understanding of data
    • Provision of resources to help you manage energy consumption
    • Energy Efficiencies
    • Provision of decarbonisation framework

Free resources

Below are a set of free resources that will help you monitor and reduce energy consumption. By using and acting upon these, we believe you can reduce your annual energy consumption by between 10% and 20%.

Print-ready posters

Close windows & doors
Close windows & doors
Download now
Recycle & reuse
Recycle & reuse
Download now
Reduce food waste
Reduce food waste
Download now
Stop water
Stop water
Download now
Switch lights off
Switch lights off
Download now
Switch off electronics
Switch off electronics
Download now
Think before you print
Think before you print
Download now
Turn radiators down
Turn radiators down
Download now
Close windows & doors
Close windows & doors
Download now
Recycle & reuse
Recycle & reuse
Download now
Reduce food waste
Reduce food waste
Download now
Stop water
Stop water
Download now
Switch lights off
Switch lights off
Download now
Switch off electronics
Switch off electronics
Download now
Think before you print
Think before you print
Download now
Turn radiators down
Turn radiators down
Download now

Top tips & advice

Labelling Light Switches
Labelling Light Switches
Read Tips
Switching off lights
Switching off lights
Read Tips
Lowering out of hours usage
Lowering out of hours usage
Read Tips
Turning off IT equipment
Turning off IT equipment
Read Tips
Heating Audit
Heating Audit
Read Tips
DIY Energy Audit
DIY Energy Audit
Read Tips

WME are proud to support "Let’s Go Zero", a free campaign uniting and supporting UK schools working to be carbon-zero by 2030.


Check out some of the organisations
we've helped to "Use Cleaner", and "Use Less"

We saved the White Horse Federation
over $$£18,361$$ in a year

Education & MATs

We saved the White Horse Federation over £18,361 in a year

  • Fully Managed Service
Read case study
Delivering Reading Borough Council $$£5m$$ in savings over a 2 year period.

District & Town Councils

Delivering Reading Borough Council £5m in savings over a 2 year period.

  • Fully Managed Service
Read case study
Transitioning Wiltshire Council to run on $$100%$$ renewably sourced energy.

Local Authorities

Transitioning Wiltshire Council to run on 100% renewably sourced energy.

  • Fully Managed Service
Read case study