Organisations we've helped...

Excalibur Academies Trust
South Gloucestershire Council
Shropshire Fire & Rescue
Stroud Distrcit Council
Wye Valley NHS Trust

What are the benefits of fixed energy procurement?

Secure competitive prices

WME’s Fixed Price DPS Framework contains 7 pre-approved suppliers. WME will run a mini-competition on your behalf to secure the best rates available from the suppliers, ensuring you achieve a competitive rate that is then locked in for your chosen contract term.

  • Choose the contract term to suit you, typically between 1 and 3 years.
  • Assurance you have compared prices of several suppliers
  • Simplified budgeting with prices locked in for the contract term 

Simplified process

Our Fixed Energy Procurement offering has been constructed to be as clear and transparent as possible, ensuring you fully understand your energy procurement strategy.

  • Clear, transparent tender exercise to appoint supplier
  • Tailored mini-competition based on your priorities  
  • You’ll have the full picture of your energy costs upfront
Use cleaner, use less

Peace of mind

Managing the complexities of the energy market can be complex and time-consuming. By choosing fixed energy procurement, WME’s experts will manage the procurement exercise giving peace of mind over compliance, pricing and the suppliers.

  • Financially plan more effectively for the future with locked-in pricing
  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing our suppliers have been vetted before joining our framework
  • Fixed Energy Procurement can be coupled with either our Procurement Only or Fully Managed service provision