“I am delighted that we are celebrating our 10th birthday as West Mercia Energy.

As an organisation, we have been providing energy for over 25 years in one form or another. Many will remember that West Mercia Energy was previously a division within West Mercia Supplies (WMS).

WMS was sold in 2012, but the energy division was retained, and rebranded as West Mercia Energy.

Since then, we have gone from strength to strength. We have moved offices, expanded our service offerings, added new trading options and frameworks. We have grown the team and continue to expand our customer base.

Ironically, the last three years have been the most challenging of the last ten. Firstly, as we navigated the pandemic, which resulted in the whole WME team working from home for 18 months. Then just as we recover from that, we are hit with a year of record energy rises.

I would like to place on record my thanks to all of our partners, our Member Authorities, suppliers and ultimately our customers, many of which have been with us for the last 10 years.

Special thanks is reserved for the team of staff at WME, without whom, we could not have achieved so much in the last 10 years.

While a lot has changed over that period, our mission remains the same; “Delivering a cost effective, trusted and hassle-free energy solution, while supporting our customers’ environmental ambitions”.

We continue to do this while upholding our core values in everything we do. This includes providing excellent customer service across the organisation, operating in an open and transparent manner and protecting the public purse as far as we possibly can.

Here’s to the next 10 years, much of which will be focused on leading the way in supporting our customers, and the wider public sector, achieve their net-zero carbon ambitions”.

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