This means, 50% - 60% of your schools’ energy costs occur while the building is empty!

As we approach the end of the school term, we have pulled together a handy list of, no-cost, tips and reminders to help you save money and reduce your energy use over the upcoming period:

Heating Settings - Most boilers have frost protection programmes, meaning they can be turned off whilst a site is vacant, and will automatically switch on if the temperature drops below a certain level. Ensure this is set correctly.

If your boiler doesn’t have frost protection, turn the thermostat as low as possible to save unnecessary heating. It is a lot more efficient to use a little more when re-opening your site, than to keep heating an empty building while nobody is there.

Check Windows - Ensure all windows are closed to help the building retain heat during the holidays. This will also support your buildings security during a period of closure.

Switch off water heaters - Depending on your site, there may be one central hot water system, or smaller tanks in rooms with running hot water (e.g. staff rooms, kitchens, toilets)

Switch Off – All, non-essential electrical equipment at the socket. Ensure nothing is left on standby. Just before the break, ensure all of the following are checked:

  • Printers / Copiers
  • Smart Boards / Projectors
  • Chargers
  • Non-essential IT equipment (Laptops, Monitors, Display Screens, TV’s etc)
  • IT servers (Check with your IT Lead what can and cannot be switched off)
  • Lights (Internal and external)
  • Water chillers / Hot drink boilers / Vending machines
  • Extraction Fans / Air conditioning & Ventilation systems

Consider producing a checklist of all equipment which can be checked ahead of each weekend / holiday period.

BEMS – If your site has a Building Energy Management System, ensure the correct settings are selected. If you use timers for any of your equipment, check that the timers set to “holiday mode”?

Consolidate Fridges and Freezers – Think kitchens, staff rooms, food technology rooms, and science labs - This will help you switch off even more appliances.

Measure – To see the benefits of these changes, ensure to check your MyWME portal. Here, you are able to check your consumption and see how your changes have impacted your consumption.

Watch this space for further MyWME enhancements in the new year, which will help you monitor your “operational / non-operational” hours of consumption more even more accurately.

Looking for ways to improve your energy efficiency?

Get in touch with our team today

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0333 101 4424