2023/24 returned some sense of “normality” in terms of the energy market, with wholesale market prices falling steadily throughout the year, albeit not returning to “historic norms”.

Pleasingly, West Mercia Energy’s procured energy prices for the year, returned below the market average again, and independent analysis from BOX CIC, showed WME’s procured rates ranked in the 20% cheapest when compared to almost 300 local authorities - WME energy prices rank amongst the lowest for public sector | West Mercia Energy

Our comprehensive fully managed service continued to make managing large multi-site energy portfolio's simple and efficient for our customers. The highlight being that our bill validation service alone, saved customers some £4.1m across the year. These savings came from 6,360 incorrect invoices, which were challenged by our billing team.

Across the year, our team resolved 2,216 customer queries, and our siteworks team managed 436 jobs to completion.

We welcomed two news local authority customers within the year, restructured the business and recruited one new member of staff. All in addition to procuring our new flexible electricity contract and further enhancing our offering under our “Use Cleaner, Use Less” campaign.

Our customer retention for the year was 99.3%. 

Gavin Owen, Head of Business Development commented, "It has been yet another very successful year for WME which has seen excellent business retention, and continued growth. We have made significant operational improvements, which has set us up to continue this upward trajectory over the coming years and to support our customers every changing priorities, including the move to a low carbon future”.

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